Visualizing Homelessness

This is my first blog post on my new website and my first time working with R Markdown as well! Today, I’ll be visualizing homelessness data that I downloaded from HUD. It’s for a (very preliminary) project that I’m working on with my colleague, Francisco Beltran Silva, also at CSUN. I’m not an expert on homelessness and I’m only starting to dip my toe into these waters. Come join me as I learn more about this important issue!

Data Sources

HUD maintains data on homelessness provided to them by CoCs (Continuums of Care). A CoC is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing services funding for homeless families and individuals. There are two main measures tracked: the housing inventory count (HIC) and the point-in-time count (PIT). HIC measures the number of beds dedicated to the homeless in the CoC. PIT measures the number of people experiencing homelessness in the CoC on a single night in January.

HIC and PIT data by CoC are available from HUD at:

Shapefiles for each CoC are available at:

For years prior to 2012, the shapefiles are a bit of a pain to download since a separate file is provided for each state and year. I used the following Python script to download them:

Codefrom download import download state_list = ['AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DE','DC','FL','GA','GU','HI','ID','IL','IN','IA','KS','KY','LA','ME','MD','MA','MI','MN','MS','MO','MT','NE','NV','NH','NJ','NM','NY','NC','ND','OH','OK','OR','PA','PR','RI','SC','SD','TN','TX','UT','VT','VI','VA','WA','WV','WI','WY'] year_list = ['2012','2011','2010','2009','2008','2007'] data_dir = 'data' for year in year_list: for state in state_list: filename = f'CoC_GIS_State_Shapefile_{state}_{year}.zip' url = f'{filename}' download_path = f'{data_dir}/{filename}' download(url, download_path, progressbar=True)

I processed the raw files to obtain PIT and HIC counts by CoC-Year from 2007 to 2020. It was a pain to work with, but you can download the files I used here and here.

Homelessness Since 2007

Let’s get to visualizing! First, let’s plot national PIT and HIC count for each year since 2007.

Codelibrary(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(ggrepel) library(scales) library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) <- read.csv("PIT_by_CoC_Year.csv") <- %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize( Homeless = sum(Homeless, na.rm=T), Sheltered.Homeless = sum(Sheltered.Homeless, na.rm=T), Unsheltered.Homeless = sum(Unsheltered.Homeless, na.rm=T), Chronic.Homeless = sum(Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T), Sheltered.Chronic.Homeless = sum(Sheltered.Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T), Unsheltered.Chronic.Homeless = sum(Unsheltered.Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T), ) ggplot( + geom_line(aes(x=Year, y=Homeless), size=1) + geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Homeless), shape=21, fill="white", size=4) + geom_text(aes(x=Year, y=Homeless, label=format(Homeless,big.mark=",")), angle=45, hjust=-0.2, vjust=-0.2) + scale_y_continuous( limits=c(0,800000), labels=function(x) format(x,big.mark=",",scientific=F)) + coord_cartesian(clip="off") + ggtitle("Overall Homelessness in America, 2007-2020") + theme_bw() + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(6,20,6,6),"pt"))

Homelessness declined from 650,000 in 2007 to 580,000 in 2020. However, the number of homeless has been increasing since 2016.

Sheltered and Unsheltered

Let’s explore the composition of the change between the unsheltered and the sheltered.$Sheltered.Homeless.Chg <-$Sheltered.Homeless -$Sheltered.Homeless[1]$Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg <-$Unsheltered.Homeless -$Unsheltered.Homeless[1][9,"lab1"] <- "Sheltered"[7,"lab2"] <- "Unsheltered" ggplot( + geom_line(aes(x=Year,y=Sheltered.Homeless.Chg), size=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_point(aes(x=Year,y=Sheltered.Homeless.Chg), size=4, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_text(aes(x=Year,y=Sheltered.Homeless.Chg, label=lab1), hjust=-0.18, vjust=-0.1, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_line(aes(x=Year,y=Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg), size=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + geom_point(aes(x=Year,y=Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg), size=4, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + geom_text(aes(x=Year,y=Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg, label=lab2), hjust=1.15, vjust=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + scale_y_continuous( labels=function(x) format(x,big.mark=",",scientific=F)) + ggtitle("Change in Homelessness Since 2007: Sheltered and Unsheltered") + ylab("Difference Since 2007") + coord_cartesian(clip="off") + theme_bw()

There’s been a net decline of about 30,000 for both the sheltered and the unsheltered homeless from 2007 to 2020. However, this masks substantial heterogeneity in recent and past time trends. The decline in homelessness from 2007 to 2015 was almost entirely driven by a decline in the unsheltered homeless. It seems there was some policy success in sheltering the homeless from 2007 to 2015. From 2015 to 2020, there has been an increase of 50,000 in the unsheltered homeless. Much of this increase appears to be drawn from the sheltered homeless population. Something happened in 2015 to increase the rate of unsheltered homelessness.

Chronically Homeless

Now let’s take a look at the chronically homeless. HUD defines a chronically homeless person as someone who has been homeless continuously for 12 months or has had at least 4 separate occasions of homelessness in the past 3 years.$Chronic.Homeless.Chg <-$Chronic.Homeless -$Chronic.Homeless[1]$Unchronic.Homeless.Chg <-$Homeless -$Homeless[1] -$Chronic.Homeless.Chg[6,"lab3"] <- "Chronically Homeless"[8,"lab4"] <- "Not Chronically Homeless" ggplot( + geom_line(aes(x=Year,y=Chronic.Homeless.Chg), size=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_point(aes(x=Year,y=Chronic.Homeless.Chg), size=4, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_text(aes(x=Year,y=Chronic.Homeless.Chg, label=lab3), hjust=-0.1, vjust=-0.1, color=hue_pal()(2)[1]) + geom_line(aes(x=Year,y=Unchronic.Homeless.Chg), size=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + geom_point(aes(x=Year,y=Unchronic.Homeless.Chg), size=4, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + geom_text(aes(x=Year,y=Unchronic.Homeless.Chg, label=lab4), hjust=1.1, vjust=1, color=hue_pal()(2)[2]) + scale_y_continuous( labels=function(x) format(x,big.mark=",",scientific=F)) + ggtitle("Change in Homelessness Since 2007: Chronic and Not Chronic") + ylab("Difference Since 2007") + coord_cartesian(clip="off") + theme_bw()

The net decline in homelessness since 2007 appears entirely driven by a decline in temporary homelessness. The increase in homelessness since 2016 appears entirely driven by an increase in the chronically homeless.

Change in Homelessness by State

Next let’s take a look at how homelessness has been changing by state.$State <- substr($CoC.Id,1,2) <- %>% group_by(State, Year) %>% summarize( Homeless = sum(Homeless, na.rm=T), Sheltered.Homeless = sum(Sheltered.Homeless, na.rm=T), Unsheltered.Homeless = sum(Unsheltered.Homeless, na.rm=T), Chronic.Homeless = sum(Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T), Sheltered.Chronic.Homeless = sum(Sheltered.Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T), Unsheltered.Chronic.Homeless = sum(Unsheltered.Chronic.Homeless, na.rm=T) ) <- %>% pivot_wider( names_from = Year, values_from = c("Homeless","Sheltered.Homeless","Unsheltered.Homeless", "Chronic.Homeless","Sheltered.Chronic.Homeless", "Unsheltered.Chronic.Homeless") ) <- %>% mutate( Homeless.Chg.2007.2020 = Homeless_2020 - Homeless_2007, Homeless.Chg.2007.2015 = Homeless_2015 - Homeless_2007, Homeless.Chg.2015.2020 = Homeless_2020 - Homeless_2015, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2007.2020 = Unsheltered.Homeless_2020 - Unsheltered.Homeless_2007, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2007.2015 = Unsheltered.Homeless_2015 - Unsheltered.Homeless_2007, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2015.2020 = Unsheltered.Homeless_2020 - Unsheltered.Homeless_2015, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2007.2020 = Chronic.Homeless_2020 - Chronic.Homeless_2007, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2007.2015 = Chronic.Homeless_2015 - Chronic.Homeless_2007, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2015.2020 = Chronic.Homeless_2020 - Chronic.Homeless_2015, ) %>% subset(!(State %in% c("GU","PR","MP","VI"))) mytable <- select(, State, Homeless.Chg.2007.2020, Homeless.Chg.2007.2015, Homeless.Chg.2015.2020, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2007.2020, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2007.2015, Unsheltered.Homeless.Chg.2015.2020, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2007.2020, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2007.2015, Chronic.Homeless.Chg.2015.2020) kable( mytable %>% arrange(desc(Homeless.Chg.2007.2020)), caption = "<strong>Change in Homelessness by State</strong>", format = "html", format.args = list(big.mark=","), col.names = c("State","2007-2020","2007-2015","2015-2020","2007-2020","2007-2015","2015-2020","2007-2020","2007-2015","2015-2020") ) %>% kable_styling("striped") %>% add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "Overall Homeless" = 3, "Unsheltered Homeless" = 3, "Chronic Homeless" = 3))
Change in Homelessness by State
Overall Homeless
Unsheltered Homeless
Chronic Homeless
State 2007-2020 2007-2015 2015-2020 2007-2020 2007-2015 2015-2020 2007-2020 2007-2015 2015-2020
NY 28,670 25,649 3,021 -763 -1,298 535 1,039 640 399
CA 22,562 -23,248 45,810 23,185 -16,776 39,961 11,444 -8,114 19,558
MA 2,848 6,008 -3,160 -120 -821 701 -748 -229 -519
DC 1,060 1,978 -918 313 204 109 -308 30 -338
MN 617 223 394 504 -604 1,108 373 -18 391
ID 566 217 349 419 -155 574 269 150 119
SD 479 457 22 205 95 110 58 -9 67
MT 395 559 -164 165 577 -412 140 83 57
HI 388 1,550 -1,162 292 485 -193 900 756 144
MO 333 288 45 563 -61 624 -113 -174 61
NM 318 -386 704 -8 -813 805 823 5 818
AK 307 314 -7 -31 62 -93 79 -56 135
KS 285 424 -139 175 45 130 203 198 5
UT 120 14 106 391 -87 478 -113 -568 455
DE 104 -108 212 -57 -170 113 117 -70 187
VT 75 488 -413 -201 -165 -36 -6 -25 19
WY 75 261 -186 -17 151 -168 43 64 -21
IA -87 347 -434 40 -90 130 61 -32 93
ND -95 669 -764 -25 427 -452 12 58 -46
RI -268 -261 -7 59 -13 72 92 -4 96
MS -270 606 -876 0 316 -316 -447 -350 -97
OK -289 -444 155 112 -354 466 349 -198 547
WA -456 -3,960 3,504 4,292 599 3,693 4,153 -121 4,274
ME -541 -266 -275 79 -3 82 151 120 31
NH -573 -803 230 -627 -843 216 79 -50 129
OH -609 -82 -527 -40 -785 745 -1,555 -1,033 -522
WV -1,068 -574 -494 15 170 -155 -977 -765 -212
NE -1,127 -787 -340 -381 -401 20 -322 -463 141
WI -1,133 409 -1,542 -239 -121 -118 -78 -225 147
SC -1,373 -306 -1,067 -870 -678 -192 291 447 -156
AR -1,470 -1,276 -194 -278 -669 391 -338 -229 -109
CT -1,577 -435 -1,142 -486 -185 -301 -846 -440 -406
IN -1,733 -1,495 -238 -296 -679 383 -291 9 -300
NV -1,742 101 -1,843 385 391 -6 498 -277 775
AL -2,101 -1,482 -619 -357 -629 272 -490 -386 -104
LA -2,321 -1,413 -908 -424 -386 -38 -125 211 -336
NC -2,522 -1,117 -1,405 -1,365 -1,498 133 -373 -281 -92
PA -2,845 -799 -2,046 378 -51 429 183 1 182
OR -2,935 -4,364 1,429 -384 -1,866 1,482 1,510 1,182 328
MD -3,268 -1,238 -2,030 -1,974 -1,414 -560 -153 297 -450
AZ -3,667 -4,750 1,083 -507 -3,071 2,564 -718 -1,438 720
VA -3,789 -2,745 -1,044 -1,211 -1,368 157 -1,150 -805 -345
TN -3,954 -2,087 -1,867 -1,980 -1,520 -460 -1,614 -1,117 -497
KY -4,050 -3,523 -527 -1,193 -1,379 186 92 -117 209
CO -4,379 -4,272 -107 -4,341 -4,435 94 904 -173 1,077
IL -5,056 -2,310 -2,746 -1,038 -602 -436 -376 -769 393
NJ -7,652 -7,216 -436 -697 -1,504 807 -782 -1,115 333
GA -9,405 -5,849 -3,556 -7,142 -5,495 -1,647 -1,110 -347 -763
TX -12,559 -16,110 3,551 -3,694 -9,420 5,726 -3,898 -3,627 -271
MI -19,657 -17,779 -1,878 -15,704 -15,671 -33 -1,607 -1,781 174
FL -20,582 -12,169 -8,413 -14,868 -10,523 -4,345 -2,281 -923 -1,358

Although homelessness declined in the country from 2007 to 2020, it increased in California and New York over the same period. Curiously, the rise in homelessness in California and New York happened in different periods. New York experienced the largest increase in homelessness from 2007 to 2015. California, on the other hand, saw a large decline in homelessness from 2007 to 2015, but that decline was wiped out by the enormous increase from 2015 to 2020. California accounts for more than 100% of the nationwide increase in homelessness from 2015 to 2020.


This exercise has revealed some interesting facts.

First, it appears that there are two different trends driving homeless patterns from 2007 to 2020. The first is a broad-based decline in homelessness from 2007 to 2015, driven primarily by a decline in the unsheltered homeless. The second is an increase in homelessness from 2015 to 2020, driven primarily by an increase in the unsheltered homeless and the chronically homeless. The increase appears to be driven almost entirely by California.

Second, it appears that the recent uptick in homelessness is almost entirely a California phenomenon. Curiously, California was doing well in decreasing its number of homeless from 2007 to 2015. So what changed in 2015? It seems like any attempt to understand recent Californian homelessness needs to be aware of these facts.