

My academic research focuses on urban and real estate economics. Here you can find a list of my published and unpublished works, as well as active working papers.

Working Papers

Development Approval Timelines, Approval Uncertainty, and New Housing Supply: Evidence from Los Angeles
with Stuart Gabriel
Submitted to Journal of Urban Economics (2024)

Published Papers

Tackling the Housing Crisis: Streamlining to Increase Housing Production in Los Angeles
with Stuart Gabriel
Research reported funded by the LABC Institute (2023)

The Effect of Short-Term Rentals on Residential Investment
with Ron Bekkerman, Maxime Cohen, John Maiden, and Davide Proserpio
Marketing Science (2022)

Social Learning and Local Consumption Amenities: Evidence from Yelp
with Elliot Anenberg and Chun Kuang
Journal of Industrial Economics (2022)

Why Do Life Insurance Policyholders Lapse? The Role of Income, Health, and Bequest Motive Shocks
with Hanming Fang
Journal of Risk and Insurance (2021)
Winner of the Robert C. Witt Award for best paper published in Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2021

The Effect of Home-Sharing on House Prices and Rents: Evidence from Airbnb
with Kyle Barron and Davide Proserpio
Marketing Science (2021)
Finalist for the John D.C. Little Award for best paper published in Marketing Science, 2021

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Housing
Book chapter in The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth (2022)
edited by Aaron Chatterji, Josh Lerner, Scott Stern, and Mike Andrews

Can More Housing Supply Solve the Affordability Crisis? Evidence from a Neighborhood Choice Model
with Elliot Anenberg
Regional Science and Urban Economics (2020)
Part of the Special Issue on Housing Affordability, 2020
edited by Stuart Gabriel, Danny Ben-Shahar, and Stephen Oliner

Life Insurance and Life Settlements: The Case for Health-Contingent Cash Surrender Values
with Hanming Fang
Journal of Risk and Insurance (2020)

Measuring Mortgage Credit Availability: A Frontier Estimation Approach
with Elliot Anenberg, Aurel Hizmo, and Raven Molloy
Journal of Applied Econometrics (2019)

Information Technology and Product Variety in the City: The Case of Food Trucks
with Elliot Anenberg
Journal of Urban Economics (2015)

Estimates of the Size and Source of Price Declines Due to Nearby Foreclosures
with Elliot Anenberg
American Economic Review (2014)

Unpublished Manuscripts

I’m not actively working on these papers, but feel free to take a look and see if they’re useful.

Interest Rates and Housing Market Dynamics in a Housing Search Model
with Elliot Anenberg

Credit Constraints and Residential Sorting
with Ralph Mastromonaco

The Effect of Credit Availability on House Prices: Evidence from the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Mortgage Market Institutions and Housing Market Outcomes
(Online Appendix)